OTH for an Explanation of the COVID Time Warp


“It’s astounding. Time is fleeting. Madness takes it’s toll… Let’s do the time warp again!” — Rocky Horror

It’s been 6 months of waiting, wondering, and wishing for things to change, and if we’re being honest with ourselves, things will never be the same again. But, we carry on. Meanwhile, the general consensus remains: no one ever remembers what day it is, and happy hour starts at 3. 

I, for one, have lived a very far-from-normal existence since March, moving from one set of four walls to another..and another...and another. Translation: a cross country move across 13 states from New York to North Carolina to Texas. 1 apartment, 1 home, and 3 Airbnb’s. (Honestly, I never want to hear the word Airbnb again, but that’s beside the point.) Call me crazy, but it’s been the absolute best summer of my life. It was a leap of faith leaving my New York City address, and if I could see my parallel life living out there now, I don’t think I’d recognize it. So much has changed…for both the big city and me.

But the adventure doesn’t stop here in Austin. Next month I’m off to Big Sky, Montana to pause for some skiing, hiking, and lots of outdoor playtime with my new furry pal, Kyrgios.

Making the most of this confusing and frustrating time instead of wallowing in a city that no longer felt mine was the best decision I could have made. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve restarted Gilmore Girls for the fourth time and eat too much peanut butter from the jar. But I’d rather be figuring out this mess while traveling the country…and finding silver linings all over the map.

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